What is Ardha Uttanasana / Standing Half Forward Bend?
Ardha uttanasana comes from the Sanskrit words ‘ardha’ meaning “half” uttana, meaning “intense stretch,” and asana, meaning “pose.” This asana is called standing half forward bend in English. It is a standing forward fold that relaxes and restores the body and mind. In spiritual practice, this pose stimulates the third eye chakra and opens the heart.
In this asana, the practitioner folds forward at the hips from a standing position, then lifts the head and heart, gently pressing them outward. To increase the heart-opening benefits of this asana, it can be practiced with the hands on a wall.
From Sanskrit to English:
Sanskrit pronunciation: Ardha Uttanasana (ARE-dah OOT-tan-AHS-anna)
Meaning: ardha = half; ut = intense; powerful tan = to stretch / lengthen.
→ Ardha Uttanasana = half intense stretch
Known in English as (Standing) Half Forward Bend or Fold; Ardha Uttanasana is a base pose meant to stimulate the sixth chakra. That is, the point between the eyebrows or third eye associated with light, intuition and inner guidance.
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Benefits of the Ardha Uttanasana pose
+ Stretches the back of the legs, the spine and the front torso
+ Strengthens the legs, the hips, core and back
+ Stimulated the organs in the abdominal cavity
+ Improves posture and alignment
+ Improves digestion
+ Calms the mind
Just like Uttanasana, it can help alleviate symptoms of anxiety, headaches, sinusitis, asthma,, infertility, insomnia and osteoporosis.
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Yoga for every BODY
Ardha Uttanasana is part of the Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation), where it serves as a transition between Uttanasana and Chaturanga Dandasana. Its role in this sequence is to get us in the correct alignment so that we can safely flow from one asana to the next. That said, Ardha Uttanasana can also stand on its own. Indeed, it is an excellent way to prepare the body for more advanced postures as it helps us develop strength and flexibility – two essential ingredients for a healthy yoga practice.
Standard Ardha Uttanasana
From Tadasana (Mountain Pose):
1. Press into the four corners of your feet, microbend your knees, and activate your mula bandha (root lock) and uddiyana bandha (navel lock).
2. Keep your hands on your waist or raise your arms up and elongate your entire body towards the sky.
3. Bend from the hip joint, looking forward. As your torso descends, open your front body and broaden your shoulder blades. Your back should be flat.
4. Place your palms next to your feet, press into the floor, and straighten your elbows.
5. Concentrate your gaze forward.
From Uttanasana:
1. Place your palms next to your feet and press into the floor, straightening your elbows and microbending your knees.
2. Activate your mula bandha and uddiyana bandha, keep opening your chest, broadening your shoulder blades and, with a flat back, start raising your torso away from your thighs.
3. Without compressing your neck, concentrate your gaze forward.
Modification 1: Using a wall
Using a wall is a good warm-up and preparation for Ardha Uttanasana. It can help increase flexibility in the wrists, front body and back legs, while building up strength in the shoulders, back and lower body.


1. Face the wall and stand in Tadasana with your feet hip-distance apart.
2. If your wrists are flexible, place your palms onto the wall, at hip height, with your fingers spread towards the ceiling (see picture A). If this is uncomfortable and your fingers are strong enough, you can also try pressing your fingertips onto the wall (see picture B).
3. Step back until your heels are slightly further away from the wall than your hips. Make sure your feet are hip-distance apart.
4. Press into the four corners of your feet, activate your mula bandha and uddiyana bandha, open your torso, broaden your shoulder blades, and lower your front body until you come into a flat back position, with your elbows straight and ears in line with your upper arms. Look down.
5. Keep pressing into the wall with your hands and into the floor with your feet. Send your shoulders away from the ears and roll your inner thighs slightly.
Modification 2: Using props (version 1: blocks)
If you have props available, you can gradually increase the challenge by placing your palms onto two blocks. Begin with the highest height level, right below the shoulders (see picture C). Then try lowering the blocks to move closer towards your feet (see picture D).


1. Place two blocks vertically on your mat, shoulder-distance apart.
2. Stand in Tadasana with your feet hip-distance apart and approximately 30 cm away from the blocks (you may have to adjust the distance).
3. Keeping the hands on the waist or raising the arms towards the sky, press into the four corners of your feet and activate your mula bandha and uddiyana bandha.
4. Open your torso, broaden your shoulder blades, and lower your front body until you come into a flat back position.
5. Place your palms on the blocks, hold onto them, and straighten your elbows (see picture C).
6. Once you feel comfortable here, try lowering the blocks towards you, and flattening your palms onto them (see picture D).
Version 2: Strap
To move even closer to your ankles, use a strap. For some, pulling onto the strap will help them broaden the shoulder blades and keep the chest open.

1. Loop a strap (adjust based on your needs) and stand onto it in Tadasana.
2. Follow the instructions for a Standard Ardha Uttanasana from Tadasana, grabbing each handle with your hands.
3. As you press into the ground with your feet, you want to pull your upper body up while lowering your hands, closer and closer to your feet. As you practice this version over and over, you can try reducing the size of the loop.
Modification 3: No props
If you have no props available, you can follow the instructions for a Standard Ardha Uttanasana from Tadasana. Instead of reaching the floor with your hands, press onto your shins with your fingertips (see picture F) or grab them gently with your hands (see picture G).


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