300 Hours Ashtanga & Hatha Yoga Teacher Training in Varkala, Kerala, India
Our 300 Hours Advanced Yoga Teacher Training Course is a quantum leap to becoming a more experienced and knowledgable Ashtanga and Hatha Yoga Teacher.
Although this training builds on our 200H Teacher Training Course in Kerala, it is open for anyone holding a 200H Yoga Teacher Training Certificate of any Yoga style.
During this Teacher Training, we dive deeper into the system of Ashtanga Yoga, investigating further the Primary Ashtanga Yoga Series. Furthermore, we have a closer look at Hatha Yoga. We will explore both through physical practice, lectures, workshops, and teaching exercises. This Yoga course aims to enhance your knowledge and practice of Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, Philosophy, as well as Anatomy, and Teaching methodologies.
It’s all about practice:
Applying the extensive knowledge you acquire from the Advanced Yoga Teacher Training to your daily practice will enhance your practice dramatically. . You will have the confidence to share your practice with others on your ongoing path as a 500H Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga teacher.
Enhance your teachings ability:
You will get hands-on experience during the 300 hours Yoga Teacher Training Course by teaching small groups. Our team of experienced Ashtanga and Hatha Yoga Teachers will be guiding you and providing feedback so you can strengthen your teaching ability, become more comfortable with your knowledge, as well as discover your unique teaching style.
Broaden your skills to cater to all kinds of students:
Learn how to adapt and personalise to accommodate individual needs and conditions. Understand how to follow a safe yet effective practice for those with typical injuries, pregnant students, and senior students. Become more adept with how to use Yoga props and understand the incredible benefits of Asana and Pranayama.
Become part of an active community:
Devvrat Yoga Sangha is a community of passionate Yoga Practitioners and Teachers from all over the world ready to support you during and after the course. This is an opportunity to create a lifelong network of people on similar paths.

300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Varkala Kerala India
Asana, Anatomy, Physiology:
Looking more closely at Asanas and their functionality in the Ashtanga and Hatha Yoga Practice, you will gain a deeper knowledge of physiology and advanced anatomy, which includes subtle energy bodies and prana. Develop your ability to assist and learn more about the power of touch.
During your 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training Course, you will understand the depth of Yoga from a philosophical perspective, deepen your basic knowledge by analyzing key texts like the Bhagavad Gita, and apply it to today’s circumstances, and your lifestyle. Learn how to weave those philosophical concepts into your Yoga teachings.
Art of Teaching:
Knowledge – Become an expert in Ashtanga and Hatha Yoga to share from a place of deep knowledge and experience.
Space & Presence – Understand what your students need to feel safe and seen, and what will keep them coming back to your classes. Feel confident about your teaching style ensuring success in every class.
Teaching Principles – Review and improve your ability to Instruct, Observe, Demonstrate, and Assist (Hands-on alignment)
Business – Gain knowledge about how to set up Yoga as a business.
Structure & Sequencing – Learn how to logically structure and sequence a class effectively
Yoga is considered to have Eight limbs, one of which is Meditation. A state of deep meditation is necessary to achieve the true goal of Yoga. In our Yoga teacher training, we consider this limb equally as important as the limb of asana practice. During the course, you become familiar with various types of meditation and contemplative techniques, both ancient and modern.
By the end of the course, you will have the tools and confidence to continue your meditation practice without guidance.
In our 300 Hours of Yoga Teacher Training in Kerala, we introduce elements of Ayurvedic principles. This also includes a consultation with an Ayurvedic Doctor where you can discuss your constitution, and any health conditions and receive personalized suggestions to improve your health and well-being.
We are of the opinion that we are what we eat. We understand the importance of healthy, hearty, and nutritious meals even more so when practicing asanas four hours a day and studying at the same time, that’s why we provide three wholesome freshly cooked meals with a lot of love. Our meals are vegetarian (with a Vegan option) and predominantly Sattvic (foods that promote purity of both mind and body.)
Weekly schedule (might undergo slight changes)
Monday to Saturday
5:45-7:45 Ashtanga Yoga Practice
8:00-9:30 Adjustment & Alignment
9:30-10:30 breakfast
10:30-12:00 Art of Teaching & Mechanics of Asana
12:15-13:15 Anatomy & Physiology
13:15-15:00 Lunch & rest
15:00-16:00 Yoga, Samkhya Philosophy & Bhagavad Gita
16:15-18:15 Hatha Yoga Practice & Pranayama
18:40-19:40 Meditation
19:40-20:30 dinner
10:00-11:15 Yogic Texts( Optional)
This course is for you if you aim to
◉ Strengthen your teaching ability
◉ Deepen your Ashtanga and Hatha Yoga practice
◉ Become a more confident Yoga Teacher
◉ Be part of a thriving international community of Yoga practitioners
◉ Develop your philosophical Yoga knowledge
◉ Deepen your understanding of anatomy and physiology
◉ Teach Yoga internationally
◉ Six Month regular Ashtanga / Hatha / Vinyasa Yoga Practice
◉ Go through the Yoga study material provided by Devvrat Yoga Sangha.
What is Ashtanga Yoga?
Ashtanga yoga means the eight limbs of yoga. It was first referenced around ( 500 – 300 ) BC by the great sage Patanjali. He categorized yoga into eight branches, and it is the reason it’s known as eight-limbed yoga or Ashtanga Yoga. It is an art of conscious living combined with a spiritual practice that leads one to self-knowledge, freedom, and better physical health. For more details on Ashtanga Yoga, Click here
What is Hatha Yoga?
Hatha yoga is the ‘Discipline of Force.’ It uses physical force to channel the vital energy of the body. The Sanskrit word Hath means force, and physical techniques are used to preserve and move this energy. This technique is thus known as Hatha Yoga. One more definition of Hatha yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word, ‘Ha’, means Sun and ‘Tha’ means moon. Thus it is a yoga of alignment of the two energies. For more details on Hatha Yoga, Click here
Recommended Reading:
Although not essential, here is a list of books and other media you may find interesting before, whilst, and after the course.
Bhagavad Gita
Sankhya Karika
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Siddhartha (120 pages) by Hermann Hesse
Yoga Body: The Origins of Modern Posture Practice by Mark Singleton
Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
Light on Yoga by B.K.S. Iyengar.
Many Life Many Masters by Dr. Brian Weiss
Dying to be me by Anita Moorjani
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra
Lectures by Alan Watts (easily available on youtube)
Podcasts: Sadhguru,
Films such as Seven Years in Tibet, Little Buddha, Siddharta, Samsara
Below we describe some options for completing this 300 Hours Yoga TTC. Please email us to discuss any of these options or other queries you may have.
◉ Open to good & regular practitioners who do not currently hold a certificate for 200 hrs Yoga Training course.
◉ This 300 Hours Yoga TTC in Kerala is typically undertaken over a consecutive 30-day period, however, we appreciate that people have various commitments and we are open to discussing a plan that works best for you. For example, breaking down the 300 hours into two or three parts.
Enquire now to discuss your requirements. Fill in the registration form below or email/Whatsapp us on info@devvratyoga.com / +91 9632307916

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