Surya Namaskar A : The foundation of Ashtanga Practice

What is Surya Namaskar?

In Sanskrit, ‘surya’ means sun and ‘namaskar’ means greeting or salutation. Surya Namaskar is then a greeting to the sun! Traditionally, the practice of Surya Namaskar was used as a means of paying respect to the sun. In Indian culture from which the practice came, the sun is regarded as the source of all life, and it is therefore of great importance. Surya Namaskar is considered to be a morning practice, designed to harness the prana shakti (life energy) which is most abundant at dawn. The sequence stimulates all muscles, organs.

Follow our simple instructions for the sequence of 11 Yoga poses that prepare you for further practice as they offer the body a complete warm-up engaging all major muscles and joints.

Ashtanga Yoga Opening Mantra

Surya Namaskara – A



  • Breath: inhale & exhale
  • Movement: Feet engaged with surface awareness, toes stretched & heel pressed, pull knee-cap up, gentle root & abdomen lock, open chest, shoulder depressed, arms to the sides,
  • Dṛṣṭi: the tip of the nose

Urdhva Hastasana

  • Breath: inhale
  • Movement: hands up with keeping other alignments as Samasthiti
  • Dṛṣṭi: the thumbs


  • Breath: exhale
  • Movement: bend forward, let gravity pull down trunk, abdomen resting over thighs, shoulder protracted
  • Dṛṣṭi: tip of the nose

Ardha Uttanasana

  • Breath: inhale
  • Movement: head up, straighten the back & arm, open chest, shoulder protracted
  • Dṛṣṭi: third eye

Chaturanga Dandasana

  • Breath: exhale
  • Movement: elbow close to body, finger engaged, shoulder protracted, gentle root lock, keep whole body in one line.
  • Dṛṣṭi: tip of the nose

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

  • Breath: inhale
  • Movement: Depressed shoulder over Wrist, chest forward, thighs & knees off the mat, big toes pressed, gentle root lock.
  • Dṛṣṭi: third eye

Adho Mukha Svanasana

  • Breath: exhale (stay for 5 breaths)
  • Movement: Heel gently pressed, lift the hips back, straight spine & legs , Finger spread & engaged, shoulder protracted.
  • Dṛṣṭi: Navel or knees

Ardha Uttanasana

  • Breath: inhale
  • Movement: head up, straighten the back & arm, open chest, shoulder protracted
  • Dṛṣṭi: third eye


  • Breath: exhale
  • Movement: bend forward, let gravity pull down the trunk, abdomen resting over thighs, shoulder protracted
  • Dṛṣṭi: the tip of the nose

Urdhva Hastasana

  • Breath: inhale
  • Movement: hands up with keeping other alignments as Samasthiti
  • Dṛṣṭi: the thumbs


  • Breath: inhale & exhale
  • Movement: Feet engaged with surface awareness, toes stretched & heel pressed, pull knee-cap up, gentle root & abdomen lock, open chest, shoulder depressed, arms to the sides,
  • Dṛṣṭi: the tip of the nose

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